If you have been charged, summonsed or requisitioned to attend the Magistrates’ Court we can provide representation for you.
To begin with, we will advise you whether you are eligible for legal aid and assist you with your application for representation. Please see our funding page for eligibility but in brief you will only be eligible for legal aid in the Magistrates’ Court if you, together with your partner, do not have a total income from all sources before tax, or any other deduction, of more than £12,475 per year, or, approximately, £239.90 per week.
Next we will advise you in relation to the evidence against you, take your instructions and then advise as to plea. We will then advise you as to the best place for your case to be heard (the Crown Court or the Magistrates’ Court) as the law and your circumstances allow.
If you are pleading guilty, and are to be dealt with in the Magistrates’ Court, we will ‘mitigate’ on your behalf. This means that we will put forward to the Magistrates all of the positive features of your case on your behalf. Ultimately, our aim is to achieve the best possible sentence that we can for you.
If you are pleading not guilty, and your trial is to be in the Magistrates’ Court, we will prepare your case, with your assistance, and advise on evidence and witnesses. We will also deal with any applications that the Crown Prosecution Service make against you. For example, possible admission of any previous convictions that you might have. We will do our best to ensure that these applications are resolved in your favour. Finally, we will represent you at trial and advise on whether you should give evidence or not.
We aim to provide a high quality legal service combined with a reassurance you will be dealt with fairly. We understand that attending Court is an extremely daunting prospect and we will do what we can to minimise your concerns.
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